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Travel to Scotland without a plane ticket

March 19 – 22, 2026

Mendelssohn's Scottish Symphony


There’s nothing like hiking across moors and encountering castle ruins to ignite the creative process—as Mendelssohn experienced it on a tour of Scotland. Holyrood Castle (where Mary Queen of Scots was crowned) inspired the mysterious mood of the Third Symphony’s opening. But the mists ultimately lift in the sunny, lively finale. Plus, Portland favorite Conrad Tao dazzles in Mozart’s 21st Piano Concerto, with its slow movement once described by biographer Maynard Solomon as “an entire movement of unrelieved, time-stopping beauty…for something just short of eternity.”


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Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland

Smith Auditorium, Salem

Subscribers Only

This concert is only available for subscribers. Single tickets are available beginning April 22nd.

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“He’s one of many pianists with the chops to play anything and the ideas to make it compelling.”
New York Classical Review
on Conrad Tao

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